We provide, install and service equipment for all your video needs weather it be display, recording, video editing, live streaming, projection, presentation or video conferencing. Acculight has experience mounting, aligning and edge-blending projectors for large and small venues. We are familiar with recessed projector mounting for use in conference rooms, and pipe mounted projectors for larger spaces. We can integrate a design into a new modern and artistic structure, or recess and hide technology in historic venues.
We provide, install and service equipment for all your video needs weather it be display, recording, video editing, live streaming, projection, presentation or video conferencing. Acculight has experience mounting, aligning and edge-blending projectors for large and small venues. We are familiar with recessed projector mounting for use in conference rooms, and pipe mounted projectors for larger spaces. We can integrate a design into a new modern and artistic structure, or recess and hide technology in historic venues.